The 11th AUN-ACTS Steering Committee Meeting

12-13 September 2019
National University of Singapore


The 11th AUN-ACTS Steering Committee Meeting was attended by the members of the AUN-ACTS Steering Committee, including the Chair and the team from ACTS Secretariat, official representatives from member universities from Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, and representatives ASEAN University Network Secretariat. The program was also attended by four ACTS alumni on the second day.

DAY 1: Thursday – 12 September 2019

Venue: University Hall, National University of Singapore

10.00 – 10.30
Welcoming remark

  • Associate Vice President for Global Relations (TBC)

Opening remarks

  • Dr. Choltis Dhirathiti (TBC)

Executive Director, ASEAN University Network (AUN)

  • drg. Baiduri Widanarko, M.K.K.K, Ph.D

Chair, AUN-ACTS Secretariat

10.30 – 10.40
Exchange of Token

Group Photo

10.40 – 12.00
Agenda 1: 

Progress Report and Updates by The AUN-ACTS Secretariat

  • Chair of AUN-ACTS Secretariat
  1. Number of applications
  2. Number of nominated & accepted applications
  3. Number of participating students
  4. Number of available courses
  5. Progress from the 10th AUN-ACTS Steering Committee Meeting Minutes of Meeting
  6. Q&A session
12.00 – 13.00

Venue: Inside the University Hall building

13.00 – 14.40
Agenda 2:

Matters on ACTS Implementation by Member Universities 

Chaired by AUN-ACTS Secretariat & AUN Executive Director (TBC)

    • Working on 6 (six) groups about challenges faced during the implementation of ACTS in each university: discussion time 40m
    • Presentation of the consolidated results of the discussion: max. 10m for each group
  • Summary of the challenges (10m)
Coffee Break
15.00 – 17.30
Continued Agenda 2

Chaired by AUN-ACTS Secretariat & AUN Executive Director (TBC)

  • Working on 5 (five) groups about the solution to challenges presented in the earlier session. Discussion time: 40m
  • Discussion result presented by each group followed by feedback session:

presentation max. 10m for each group, feedback session 10m

  • Summary of the session (10m)
18.00 – 20.00
Welcome dinner by NUS

Venue: TBC

DAY 2: Friday – 13 September 2019

Venue: University Hall, National University of Singapore

09.00 – 09.45
Agenda 3:

Proposed plan of activities 2019 – 2020 by the AUN-ACTS Secretariat

Chaired by AUN-ACTS Secretariat

  1. Update on progress of ad-hoc committee for ACTS Integrated platform
  2. Promotion on social media for AUN-ACTS activities
  3. Hosting for AUN-ACTS Steering Committee Meeting in 2020
09.45 – 10.15
Coffee Break
10.15 – 11.15
Agenda 4:  Hearing from the ACTS Alumni


Moderatored by : Rep. from NUS (TBC)

  1. About participating on AUN ACTS program (system and program)
  2. About credit transfers process
  3. About the benefit for intellectual exchange
  4. About the benefit for networking with ASEAN friends
11.15 – 11.30
Closing Ceremony

  • Vice-President or representative (TBC) 

National University of Singapore

Closing Remarks 

Chair, the AUN-ACTS Secretariat

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