
First of all, I want to thank those who have made this program possible. It is simply one of the best time in my life going abroad as exchange student. Meeting many international students opens my mind more about many possibilities we can achieve be grateful for in our life.

For my coursework, other than standard modules in my major, I tried to take graduate module and other module from department that totally has nothing to do with my major study. I also learned about how my studying style changed for the graduate module and the other model taught me differently about what to focus and trying another method to analysis many cases in society.

I also took part in student co-curricular activities such as a capella group where they accepted few exchange students during my time. Aside from the great learning of a capella singing, I am so grateful to be able to sing and share my time practicing with these students from different parts of the world. They are just awesome!
Finally, I cannot say anything but to spread this spirit to prospective exchange students. I want future exchange students to just go for this once in a lifetime experience. I wish this program grows bigger so that more students can have this experience.

– Raja Oktovin Parhasian Damanik
Home University: Universitas Indonesia
Host University: National University of Singapore

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